App Privacy Policy

This document outlines our privacy policy and how we maintain personally identifiable information in the context of the app and its interaction with the Self Manager system.


In order to use the Self Manager mobile app, we need you to review and accept our privacy policy. To make this document easier to read, we have strived to use minimal jargon and explain things clearly. We have also summarised each section in the first paragraph to give you a summary of what each section defines.

If you have any questions or comments after you have read this privacy policy, please feel free to get in touch with Manage It Pty Ltd using the contact information at the bottom of this document.

This document has come in to effect from Tuesday 4th June, 2024.

1. Parties

This section outlines who these terms and conditions affect.

  1. You are a user of the Self Manager mobile app. A user may be a participant, or a nominee, a support coordinator or a staff member of an organisation that has the authority to act as and interact as a participant on the Self Manager service. You may be referred to as you, your or the user in this document.
  2. We are Manage It Pty Ltd, a plan management agency that provides the Self Manager service and has developed and released the Self Manager mobile app. We may be referred to as us, our or Manage It in this document.
  3. Google and Apple are multi-national technology companies, both headquartered in the United States of America, who provide the online app marketplaces (Google Play Store and App Store respectively) that the Self Manager mobile app has been made available on. This document may collectively refer to both companies as Market providers and both online app marketplaces as Marketplaces in this document.
  4. The App, named "Self Manager", is the mobile application made available by Manage It on the marketplaces that may be downloaded and installed on user's mobile devices. Please note that this is distinct from Self Manager, the online web-based NDIS payment and CRM product available at For clarity, we will refer to the online service as Self Manager or the service going forward, and will refer to the mobile app as simply App.
  5. Delegates, or sub-users, are users who have been granted full or partial access to your account and data through the Sub-Users feature of the Self Manager system. These users are external to your own account but may have access to some or all of your data depending on what you have authorised them to access.

2. Our principles

This section outlines our key guiding principles with privacy and data collection.

  1. Security: We employ the best technical, administrative and personnel measures to ensure that your private data remains private.
  2. Transparency: We ensure that we are totally honest and open about how we collect and use your data.
  3. Responsibility: We take our responsibility and your trust seriously when it comes to using or revealing your data.

3. How we collect your data

This section outlines the ways in which we obtain your data.

  1. Information you have provided to us directly: When you use the app, or use the main Self Manager system, we may ask you to provide personal data about yourself or people who are connected to you. This can include employee information, legal guardians, other NDIS providers and family members. You have full control over what information you provide to us, however, withholding such information may prevent you from using certain functions or features in both systems.
  2. Information we have collected from other sources: Some information of a personal nature may be collected from other sources, for example, from the NDIS if you choose to use Manage It as your plan manager. We collect and store this information subject to the same privacy policy and terms as we would information collected directly or automatically.
  3. Information that we collect automatically: We collect some information from you automatically through use of the Self Manager system and the app. This can include information like what screens you have viewed, certain actions you have taken and any errors encountered. This information provides us with useful information on how people use our services and provides context for error remediation.

4. Why we collect your data

This section details our rationale for obtaining your data.

  1. To provide you with our services: In order to provide our services to you - plan management, employment and payroll management, and so forth - we need to collect your data and process it in order to provide the results that you seek by using our services.
  2. To fulfill our obligations: We are obliged to collect data to fulfill our legal, auditing and reporting obligations, both internally and with third-parties.
  3. To communicate with you: We may need to communicate with you, for instance to provide you with our services, or to market, or to inform of changes with our service or your circumstances. We may communicate to you via telephone, SMS, email or through in-product communication methods.
  4. To support you: We may need to provide you support, for instance with queries relating to payroll or technical problems.
  5. To protect you: Some information collected may be used to identify you in order to prevent fraud or malicious action.
  6. To analyse and report: We may use aggregated data collected through our services to produce analytical data and reports, which we may share internally or publicly.

5. How we share your data

This section details how we will share your data within our organisation or with third-parties.

  1. We may internally share data: Data that is collected may be shared internally for the purposes listed below.
    • Transferring case loads to another team member.
    • Training staff members.
    • Developing or implementing quality assurance practices.
    • Auditing purposes - either internal audits, or those requested by governing bodies such as the National Disability Insurance Scheme or Australian Tax Office.
    • System monitoring and diagnostics.
  2. Third-party sevice providers: We may be required to share certain information with third-party service providers in order to provide them with the necessary information to provide you with products and services.
  3. Other third-parties: We may be required to share certain information with other third-parties for regulatory, auditing, legal or other purposes, where it is necessary by legal or contractual obligation or regulation.
  4. Where we have your consent: In cases where we have sought your consent to divulge your data.

6. How long we keep your data

This section details our data retention policies.

  1. We keep your data only as long as necessary: Data collected through our app or the Self Manager service is kept only as long as we have a necessity to keep it. This necessity may be of a business nature (in order to keep providing you with our services) or of a legal or regulatory nature (if we are required to keep it for legal reasons).
  2. We may need to keep data for third-parties: Some third-parties, such as the National Disability Insurance Scheme, may require us to keep certain data in order to fulfill our obligations to them.
  3. We may keep anonymised, aggregated data: In order to improve our services and provide necessary reporting, some data may be anonymised and aggregated. This data will never be identifiable to you. We may keep this data for longer periods of time in order to identify trends or report on performance.

7. Your rights to your data

This section details what rights you maintain with the data that we store about, or for, you.

  1. It's your personal data: We will always remember that this data is your personal data, and that you retain certain rights to it. These rights include:
    • The right to know what data we hold about you, or have disclosed in the course of using the service or app.
    • The right to ensure that the data is correct and up-to-date.
    • The right to request a copy of your personal data.
    • The right to object to our continued storage or processing of your data.
  2. You can contact us to exercise these rights: Please feel free to get in touch with us using the contact details at the bottom of the page if you wish to exercise these rights.

8. Changelog

  • 16 July 2024
    • Clarified that service refers to the Self Manager online service hosted at
    • Added Section 6: How long we keep your data section.
    • Added Section 7: Your rights to your data section.

Contact Manage It Pty Ltd

Suite 5, 140 Abernethy Rd
Belmont, WA 6104

Phone: (08) 9380 0271

Copyright © 2025 Manage It Pty Ltd